Sales / File Data

Here you find all available endpoints related to Followup CRM file data. These endpoints are protected and you'll need an API Token.

In order to use the GET and POST requests, add to the header the following:

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json

Methods Availables:

GET LIST /api/v1/file-data

GET BY UUID /api/v1/file-data/uuid

POST /api/v1/file-data

PUT api/v1/file-data/{uuid}

GET LIST /api/v1/file-data/user-listing

POST /api/v1/file-data/custom-fields

GET /api/v1/file-data

Path Parameters

Key Description Default
string | REQUIRED
The API token generated through UI interface on Followup CRM platform. None
Filter** file-data to show only those from this team_id. None
Filter** file-data to show only those from this companies_id, specified as a comma-separated string. None
Number of records to be returned in one request. 15
Filter contacts by the creation date.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Requires end_date**
Filter contacts by the creation date.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Requires start_date**


Request Example



    "data": [
            "id": 11,
            "team_id": 2,
            "name": "Fermin Thompson",
            "address": "424 Carroll Trafficway Suite 246",
            "city": "Jewellchester",
            "state": "Florida",
            "zip": "55352",
            "contact": {
                "name": "Ursula Zboncak PhD",
                "phone": "706.215.5755 x132",
                "fax": "210-635-3583",
                "cell": "+1-570-228-8564",
                "email": ""
            "account_manager": "Erick",
            "companies": [
                    "id": 43,
                    "name": "Hauck PLC",
                    "address": "7984 Aimee Loop",
                    "city": "Port Lori",
                    "state": "Texas",
                    "zip": "99224",
                    "phone": "585.420.6855 x90399",
                    "fax": "826.767.9305 x182",
                    "pipeline_value": "8.07",
                    "closing_ratio": "0%",
                    "external_id": null,
                    "external_vendor": null,
                    "contact": {
                        "name": "Prof. Christy Lubowitz",
                        "title": "Ms.",
                        "email": "",
                        "cell": "1-714-708-9145"
                    "id": 48,
                    "name": "Gusikowski, Towne and Dare",
                    "address": "249 Farrell Locks Apt. 497",
                    "city": "New Bettymouth"
                    "id": 49,
                    "name": "Rolfson PLC",
                    "address": "12547 Williamson Station Apt. 458",
                    "city": "Lake Marianoborough"
                    "id": 50,
                    "name": "Macejkovic, Johns and Weber",
                    "address": "538 Breitenberg Drive",
                    "city": "New Irmachester"
                    "id": 51,
                    "name": "Gutmann Ltd",
                    "address": "267 Weissnat Mount",
                    "city": "Cecilchester"
                    "id": 52,
                    "name": "Koepp, Gerhold and Heathcote",
                    "address": "35119 Kunze Ways Suite 064",
                    "city": "Port Margaretville"
                    "id": 62,
                    "name": "Heidenreich, Dicki and Hand",
                    "address": "8214 Aida Grove",
                    "city": "Andersontown"
                    "id": 70,
                    "name": "Wunsch Group",
                    "address": "12916 Alaina Hills Apt. 149",
                    "city": "Starkfurt"
                    "id": 71,
                    "name": "Medhurst, Kuhic and Lockman",
                    "address": "7212 Fritsch Squares",
                    "city": "Bennyshire"
                    "id": 75,
                    "name": "Swaniawski-Bailey",
                    "address": "74193 Schowalter Pike",
                    "city": "Lake Dashawnfort"
                    "id": 76,
                    "name": "Hermann, Sporer and Barrows",
                    "address": "85489 Mayert Cove",
                    "city": "South Abigailfurt"
            "sales_status": "SCTBS",
            "office": "falcon",
            "Lead_From": "jawad",
            "proposal_delivered": "12/30/2020",
            "contract_amount": "315.04",
            "base_bid": "235.89",
            "contract_date": "06/13/2019",
            "contract_type": "Contract Type",
            "bid_date": "08/24/2019",
            "last_update": "10/07/2019",
            "created_at": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
            "notes": [
                    "id": 4014,
                    "comment": "test comment from api",
                    "date": "2021-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z"
            "estimated_contract_date": "12/08/2023",
            "gross_margin_percentage": "35.33",
            "labor_hours": "54.00",
            "dead_date": "10/18/2023",
            "marketing_status": "Current Client",
            "pre_bid": "11/10/2023",
            "take_off_person": "Taylor",
            "products_and_services": "T&M",
            "client_profile": "Retail",
            "relate_and_connect": "RC # 1",
            "rules_of_engagement": "RoF # 2",
            "find_problems": "FP # 2",
            "money_step": "MS # 1",
            "decision_process": "DP # 2",
            "change_orders": [
                    "id": 145,
                    "project_id": 102,
                    "team_id": 179,
                    "contract_amount": "5,500.00",
                    "base_bid": "2,000.00",
                    "gross_margin_percentage": "76.00",
                    "bid_date": "01/11/2023",
                    "contract_date": "03/28/2024",
                    "sales_status_id": 79
            "id": 12,
            "team_id": 2,
            "name": "Walker Sauer",
            "address": "647 Brown Ports",
            "city": "Abdullahfort"
    "links": {
        "first": "{{ config('app.url') }}/api/v1/file-data?page=1",
        "last": "{{ config('app.url') }}/api/v1/file-data?page=3",
        "prev": null,
        "next": "{{ config('app.url') }}/api/v1/file-data?page=2"
    "meta": {
        "current_page": 1,
        "from": 1,
        "last_page": 3,
        "path": "{{ config('app.url') }}/api/v1/file-data",
        "per_page": "2",
        "to": 2,
        "total": 6

GET /api/v1/file-data/uuid

Path Parameters

Key Description Default
string | REQUIRED
The API token generated through UI interface on Followup CRM platform. None
Filter** show only the project corresponding to UUID. None


Request Example



    "data": {
        "id": 11,
        "team_id": 2,
        "name": "Fermin Thompson",
        "address": "424 Carroll Trafficway Suite 246",
        "city": "Jewellchester",
        "state": "Florida",
        "zip": "55352",
        "contact": {
            "name": "Ursula Zboncak PhD",
            "phone": "706.215.5755 x132",
            "fax": "210-635-3583",
            "cell": "+1-570-228-8564",
            "email": ""
        "account_manager": "Erick",
        "companies": [
                "id": 43,
                "name": "Hauck PLC",
                "address": "7984 Aimee Loop",
                "city": "Port Lori",
                "state": "Texas",
                "zip": "99224",
                "phone": "585.420.6855 x90399",
                "fax": "826.767.9305 x182",
                "pipeline_value": "8.07",
                "closing_ratio": "0%",
                "external_id": null,
                "external_vendor": null,
                "contact": {
                    "name": "Prof. Christy Lubowitz",
                    "title": "Ms.",
                    "email": "",
                    "cell": "1-714-708-9145"
                "id": 48,
                "name": "Gusikowski, Towne and Dare",
                "address": "249 Farrell Locks Apt. 497",
                "city": "New Bettymouth"
                "id": 49,
                "name": "Rolfson PLC",
                "address": "12547 Williamson Station Apt. 458",
                "city": "Lake Marianoborough"
                "id": 50,
                "name": "Macejkovic, Johns and Weber",
                "address": "538 Breitenberg Drive",
                "city": "New Irmachester"
                "id": 51,
                "name": "Gutmann Ltd",
                "address": "267 Weissnat Mount",
                "city": "Cecilchester"
                "id": 52,
                "name": "Koepp, Gerhold and Heathcote",
                "address": "35119 Kunze Ways Suite 064",
                "city": "Port Margaretville"
                "id": 62,
                "name": "Heidenreich, Dicki and Hand",
                "address": "8214 Aida Grove",
                "city": "Andersontown"
                "id": 70,
                "name": "Wunsch Group",
                "address": "12916 Alaina Hills Apt. 149",
                "city": "Starkfurt"
                "id": 71,
                "name": "Medhurst, Kuhic and Lockman",
                "address": "7212 Fritsch Squares",
                "city": "Bennyshire"
                "id": 75,
                "name": "Swaniawski-Bailey",
                "address": "74193 Schowalter Pike",
                "city": "Lake Dashawnfort"
                "id": 76,
                "name": "Hermann, Sporer and Barrows",
                "address": "85489 Mayert Cove",
                "city": "South Abigailfurt"
        "sales_status": "SCTBS",
        "office": "falcon",
        "Lead_From": "jawad",
        "proposal_delivered": "12/30/2020",
        "contract_amount": "315.04",
        "base_bid": "235.89",
        "contract_date": "06/13/2019",
        "contract_type": "Contract Type",
        "bid_date": "08/24/2019",
        "last_update": "10/07/2019",
        "created_at": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "notes": [
                "id": 4014,
                "comment": "test comment from api",
                "date": "2021-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z"
        "estimated_contract_date": "12/08/2023",
        "gross_margin_percentage": "35.33",
        "labor_hours": "54.00",
        "dead_date": "10/18/2023",
        "marketing_status": "Current Client",
        "pre_bid": "11/10/2023",
        "take_off_person": "Taylor",
        "products_and_services": "T&M",
        "client_profile": "Retail",
        "relate_and_connect": "RC # 1",
        "rules_of_engagement": "RoF # 2",
        "find_problems": "FP # 2",
        "money_step": "MS # 1",
        "decision_process": "DP # 2",
        "change_orders": [
                "id": 145,
                "project_id": 102,
                "team_id": 179,
                "contract_amount": "5,500.00",
                "base_bid": "2,000.00",
                "gross_margin_percentage": "76.00",
                "bid_date": "01/11/2023",
                "contract_date": "03/28/2024",
                "sales_status_id": 79
        "record_detail_custom_fields": [
                "id": 6,
                "field_value": "02/16/2024"
                "id": 5,
                "field_value": 6
                "id": 1,
                "field_value": 2206
                "id": 4,
                "field_value": "EST"

POST /api/v1/file-data

Path Parameters

Key Description Default
string | REQUIRED
The API token generated through UI interface on Followup CRM platform. None


Body Parameters

Key Type Required
name string REQUIRED
external_id string REQUIRED
external_vendor string REQUIRED
address string NULLABLE
city string NULLABLE
state string NULLABLE
zip string NULLABLE
contact Object NULLABLE
contact_name string NULLABLE
contact_email string NULLABLE
contact_phone string NULLABLE
contact_cell string NULLABLE
contact_fax string NULLABLE
account_manager string NULLABLE
account_manager_id big int NULLABLE
estimator string NULLABLE
estimator_id big int NULLABLE
sales_behaviours Array NULLABLE
companies Array NULLABLE
sales_status string NULLABLE
sales_status_id big int NULLABLE
contract_amount big int NULLABLE
contract_type string NULLABLE
contract_type_id big int NULLABLE
base_bid big int NULLABLE
contract_date datetime NULLABLE
bid_date datetime NULLABLE
lead_from string NULLABLE
lead_from_id big int NULLABLE
office string NULLABLE
office_id big int NULLABLE
proposal_delivered datetime NULLABLE
note string NULLABLE
Format: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Format: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Format: (mm/dd/yyyy)
gross_margin_percentage double (Max. 2 decimal places) NULLABLE
labor_hours double (Max. 2 decimal places) NULLABLE
marketing_status_id big int NULLABLE
take_off_person_id big int NULLABLE
products_and_services_id big int NULLABLE
client_profile_id big int NULLABLE
relate_and_connect_id big int NULLABLE
rules_of_engagement_id big int NULLABLE
find_problems_id big int NULLABLE
money_step_id big int NULLABLE
decision_process_id big int NULLABLE
record_detail_custom_fields array NULLABLE


Request Example


Request Payload

    "name": "FileData test project",
    "external_id": "AED70A97966244E89870BE764E8DD7C8",
    "external_vendor": "Postman",
    "address": "2320 Bruner Lane",
    "city": "Ft. Myers",
    "state": "Florida",
    "zip": "33912",
    "contact": {
        "name": "Karla F. McGee",
        "email": "",
        "cell": "(239) 939-4412",
        "phone": "518-819-1461",
        "fax": ""
    "contact_name": "Karla F. McGee",
    "contact_email": "",
    "contact_cell": "(239) 939-4412",
    "contact_phone": "518-819-1461",
    "contact_fax": "",
    "account_manager": "Osama Altaf",
    "account_manager_id": "",
    "estimator": "Osama Altaf",
    "estimator_id": "",
    "sales_behaviours": [
            "sales_behaviour_id": "",
            "name": "Demo",
            "date": "15-01-2021",
            "completed": false
            "name": "Proposal Delivered",
            "date": "10-01-2021",
            "completed": false
    "companies": [
            "company_id": "",
            "name": "Advanced Roofing and Sheet Metal",
            "address": "2320 Bruner Lane",
            "city": "Ft. Myers",
            "state": "Florida",
            "zip": "33912",
            "phone": "(239) 939 4412",
            "fax": "",
            "company_type": "",
            "pipeline_value": "",
            "closing_ratio": "100%",
            "external_id": "",
            "external_vendor": "",
            "contact": [
                    "company_contact_id": "",
                    "name": "Lynn Grimaldi",
                    "title": "VP/Resume",
                    "email": "",
                    "phone": "",
                    "cell": "",
                    "date": ""
                    "company_contact_id": "",
                    "name": "Test contact",
                    "title": "Mr.",
                    "email": "",
                    "phone": "",
                    "cell": "",
                    "date": ""
    "sales_status": "Contract",
    "sales_status_id": "",
    "office": "Onsite",
    "office_id": "",
    "Lead_From": "majidashraf",
    "lead_from": "majidashraf",
    "lead_from_id": "",
    "proposal_delivered": "",
    "contract_amount": "1000.00",
    "base_bid": "1000.00",
    "contract_date": "02/13/2015",
    "contract_type": "1st Month Recurring Revenue ",
    "contract_type_id": "",
    "bid_date": "10/07/2014",
    "last_update": "05/08/2020",
    "created_at": "2018-03-07T08:46:00.000000Z",
    "note": "Test comment",
    "estimated_contract_date": "12/08/2023",
    "gross_margin_percentage": 35.33,
    "labor_hours": 54,
    "dead_date": "10/18/2023",
    "marketing_status_id": 29,
    "pre_bid": null,
    "take_off_person_id": 2206,
    "products_and_services_id": 74,
    "client_profile_id": 163,
    "relate_and_connect_id": 1,
    "rules_of_engagement_id": 2,
    "find_problems_id": 2,
    "money_step_id": 1,
    "decision_process_id": 2,
    "record_detail_custom_fields": [
            "id": 6,
            "field_value": "02/16/2024"
            "id": 5,
            "field_value": 6
            "id": 1,
            "field_value": 2206
            "id": 4,
            "field_value": "EST"


    "data": {
        "id": 451591,
        "uuid": "3d9bfe5d-ed70-4dba-8f9c-8d6373bcff1b",
        "team_id": 3,
        "name": "FileData test project",
        "address": "2320 Bruner Lane",
        "city": "Ft. Myers",
        "state": "Florida",
        "zip": "33912",
        "sales_behaviours": [
                "name": "Proposal Delivered",
                "date": "2021-01-10",
                "completed": 0
                "name": "Demo",
                "date": "2021-01-15",
                "completed": 0
        "contact": {
            "name": "Karla F. McGee",
            "phone": "518-819-1461",
            "fax": null,
            "cell": "(239) 939-4412",
            "email": ""
        "account_manager": "Osama Altaf",
        "estimator": "Osama Altaf",
        "companies": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Advanced Roofing and Sheet Metal",
                "company_types_id": null,
                "external_id": null,
                "external_vendor": null,
                "address": "2320 Bruner Lane",
                "city": "Ft. Myers",
                "state": "Florida",
                "zip": "33912",
                "phone": "2399394412",
                "fax": "",
                "legacy_id": 1,
                "contacts": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "name": "Lynn Grimaldi",
                        "cell": "",
                        "email": "",
                        "title": "VP/Resume",
                        "company_id": 1
                        "id": 168389,
                        "name": "Test contact",
                        "cell": null,
                        "email": "",
                        "title": "Mr.",
                        "company_id": 1
        "proposal_delivered": null,
        "sales_status": "Contract",
        "office": "Onsite",
        "Lead_From": "majidashraf",
        "contract_amount": "1,000.00",
        "base_bid": "1,000.00",
        "contract_date": "02/13/2015",
        "contract_type": null,
        "bid_date": "10/07/2014",
        "last_update": "01/08/2021",
        "created_at": "2021-01-08T11:46:54.000000Z",
        "external_id": "AED70A97966244E89870BE764E8DD7C8",
        "external_vendor": "Postman",
        "custom_fields": [],
        "notes": [
                "id": 4014,
                "comment": "test comment from api",
                "date": "2021-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z"
        "estimated_contract_date": "12/08/2023",
        "gross_margin_percentage": "35.33",
        "labor_hours": "54.00",
        "dead_date": "10/18/2023",
        "marketing_status": "Current Client",
        "pre_bid": "11/10/2023",
        "take_off_person": "Taylor",
        "products_and_services": "T&M",
        "client_profile": "Retail",
        "relate_and_connect": "RC # 1",
        "rules_of_engagement": "RoF # 2",
        "find_problems": "FP # 2",
        "money_step": "MS # 1",
        "decision_process": "DP # 2",
        "change_orders": [],
        "record_detail_custom_fields": [
                "id": 6,
                "field_value": "02/16/2024"
                "id": 5,
                "field_value": 6
                "id": 1,
                "field_value": 2206
                "id": 4,
                "field_value": "EST"

PUT /api/v1/file-data/{uuid}

Path Parameters

Key Description Default
string | REQUIRED
The API token generated throught UI interface on Followup CRM platform. None

Body Parameters

Key Type Required
name string REQUIRED
external_id string REQUIRED
external_vendor string REQUIRED
address string NULLABLE
city string NULLABLE
state string NULLABLE
zip string NULLABLE
contact Object NULLABLE
contact_name string NULLABLE
contact_email string NULLABLE
contact_phone string NULLABLE
contact_cell string NULLABLE
contact_fax string NULLABLE
account_manager string NULLABLE
account_manager_id big int NULLABLE
estimator string NULLABLE
estimator_id big int NULLABLE
sales_behaviours Array NULLABLE
companies Array NULLABLE
sales_status string NULLABLE
sales_status_id big int NULLABLE
contract_amount big int NULLABLE
contract_type string NULLABLE
contract_type_id big int NULLABLE
base_bid big int NULLABLE
contract_date datetime NULLABLE
bid_date datetime NULLABLE
lead_from string NULLABLE
lead_from_id big int NULLABLE
office string NULLABLE
office_id big int NULLABLE
proposal_delivered datetime NULLABLE
note string NULLABLE
Format: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Format: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Format: (mm/dd/yyyy)
gross_margin_percentage double (Max. 2 decimal places) NULLABLE
labor_hours double (Max. 2 decimal places) NULLABLE
marketing_status_id big int NULLABLE
take_off_person_id big int NULLABLE
products_and_services_id big int NULLABLE
client_profile_id big int NULLABLE
relate_and_connect_id big int NULLABLE
rules_of_engagement_id big int NULLABLE
find_problems_id big int NULLABLE
money_step_id big int NULLABLE
decision_process_id big int NULLABLE
change_orders array NULLABLE
record_detail_custom_fields array NULLABLE


Request Example


Request Payload

    "name": "FileData test project",
    "external_id": "AED70A97966244E89870BE764E8DD7C8",
    "external_vendor": "Postman",
    "address": "2320 Bruner Lane",
    "city": "Ft. Myers",
    "state": "Florida",
    "zip": "33912",
    "contact": {
        "name": "Karla F. McGee",
        "email": "",
        "cell": "(239) 939-4412",
        "phone": "518-819-1461",
        "fax": ""
    "contact_name": "Karla F. McGee",
    "contact_email": "",
    "contact_cell": "(239) 939-4412",
    "contact_phone": "518-819-1461",
    "contact_fax": "",
    "account_manager": "Osama Altaf",
    "account_manager_id": "",
    "estimator": "Osama Altaf",
    "estimator_id": "",
    "sales_behaviours": [
            "sales_behaviour_id": "",
            "name": "Demo",
            "date": "15-01-2021",
            "completed": false
            "name": "Proposal Delivered",
            "date": "10-01-2021",
            "completed": false
    "companies": [
            "company_id": "",
            "name": "Advanced Roofing and Sheet Metal",
            "address": "2320 Bruner Lane",
            "city": "Ft. Myers",
            "state": "Florida",
            "zip": "33912",
            "phone": "(239) 939 4412",
            "fax": "",
            "company_type": "",
            "pipeline_value": "",
            "closing_ratio": "100%",
            "external_id": "",
            "external_vendor": "",
            "contact": [
                    "company_contact_id": "",
                    "name": "Lynn Grimaldi",
                    "title": "VP/Resume",
                    "email": "",
                    "phone": "",
                    "cell": "",
                    "date": ""
                    "company_contact_id": "",
                    "name": "Test contact",
                    "title": "Mr.",
                    "email": "",
                    "phone": "",
                    "cell": "",
                    "date": ""
    "sales_status": "Contract",
    "sales_status_id": "",
    "office": "Onsite",
    "office_id": "",
    "Lead_From": "majidashraf",
    "lead_from": "majidashraf",
    "lead_from_id": "",
    "proposal_delivered": "",
    "contract_amount": "1000.00",
    "base_bid": "1000.00",
    "contract_date": "02/13/2015",
    "contract_type": "1st Month Recurring Revenue ",
    "contract_type_id": "",
    "bid_date": "10/07/2014",
    "last_update": "05/08/2020",
    "created_at": "2018-03-07T08:46:00.000000Z",
    "note": "Test comment",
    "estimated_contract_date": "12/08/2023",
    "gross_margin_percentage": 35.33,
    "labor_hours": 54,
    "dead_date": "10/18/2023",
    "marketing_status_id": 29,
    "pre_bid": null,
    "take_off_person_id": 2206,
    "products_and_services_id": 74,
    "client_profile_id": 163,
    "relate_and_connect_id": 1,
    "rules_of_engagement_id": 2,
    "find_problems_id": 2,
    "money_step_id": 1,
    "decision_process_id": 2,
    "change_orders": [
            "id": 145,
            "sales_status_id": 79,
            "bid_date": "01/11/2023",
            "contract_amount": 5500,
            "base_bid": 2000
    "record_detail_custom_fields": [
            "id": 6,
            "field_value": "02/16/2024"
            "id": 5,
            "field_value": 6
            "id": 1,
            "field_value": 2206
            "id": 4,
            "field_value": "EST"


    "data": {
        "id": 451591,
        "uuid": "3d9bfe5d-ed70-4dba-8f9c-8d6373bcff1b",
        "team_id": 3,
        "name": "FileData test project",
        "address": "2320 Bruner Lane",
        "city": "Ft. Myers",
        "state": "Florida",
        "zip": "33912",
        "sales_behaviours": [
                "name": "Proposal Delivered",
                "date": "2021-01-10",
                "completed": 0
                "name": "Demo",
                "date": "2021-01-15",
                "completed": 0
        "contact": {
            "name": "Karla F. McGee",
            "phone": "518-819-1461",
            "fax": null,
            "cell": "(239) 939-4412",
            "email": ""
        "account_manager": "Osama Altaf",
        "estimator": "Osama Altaf",
        "companies": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Advanced Roofing and Sheet Metal",
                "company_types_id": null,
                "external_id": null,
                "external_vendor": null,
                "address": "2320 Bruner Lane",
                "city": "Ft. Myers",
                "state": "Florida",
                "zip": "33912",
                "phone": "2399394412",
                "fax": "",
                "legacy_id": 1,
                "contacts": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "name": "Lynn Grimaldi",
                        "cell": "",
                        "email": "",
                        "title": "VP/Resume",
                        "company_id": 1
                        "id": 168389,
                        "name": "Test contact",
                        "cell": null,
                        "email": "",
                        "title": "Mr.",
                        "company_id": 1
        "proposal_delivered": null,
        "sales_status": "Contract",
        "office": "Onsite",
        "Lead_From": "majidashraf",
        "contract_amount": "1,000.00",
        "base_bid": "1,000.00",
        "contract_date": "02/13/2015",
        "contract_type": null,
        "bid_date": "10/07/2014",
        "last_update": "01/08/2021",
        "created_at": "2021-01-08T11:46:54.000000Z",
        "external_id": "AED70A97966244E89870BE764E8DD7C8",
        "external_vendor": "Postman",
        "custom_fields": [],
        "notes": [
                "id": 4014,
                "comment": "test comment from api",
                "date": "2021-01-25T00:00:00.000000Z"
        "estimated_contract_date": "12/08/2023",
        "gross_margin_percentage": "35.33",
        "labor_hours": "54.00",
        "dead_date": "10/18/2023",
        "marketing_status": "Current Client",
        "pre_bid": "11/10/2023",
        "take_off_person": "Taylor",
        "products_and_services": "T&M",
        "client_profile": "Retail",
        "relate_and_connect": "RC # 1",
        "rules_of_engagement": "RoF # 2",
        "find_problems": "FP # 2",
        "money_step": "MS # 1",
        "decision_process": "DP # 2",
        "change_orders": [
                "id": 145,
                "project_id": 102,
                "team_id": 179,
                "contract_amount": "5,500.00",
                "base_bid": "2,000.00",
                "gross_margin_percentage": "76.00",
                "bid_date": "01/11/2023",
                "contract_date": "03/28/2024",
                "sales_status_id": 79
        "record_detail_custom_fields": [
                "id": 6,
                "field_value": "02/16/2024"
                "id": 5,
                "field_value": 6
                "id": 1,
                "field_value": 2206
                "id": 4,
                "field_value": "EST"

GET /api/v1/file-data/user-listing

Path Parameters

Key Description Default
string | REQUIRED
The API token generated throught UI interface on Followup CRM platform. None


Request Example



    "success": true,
    "message": "User Listing",
    "data": [
            "id": 1,
            "uuid": "7025f374-0f75-4214-aae1-7aca18a39e72",
            "name": "DevSquad",
            "email": "",
            "email_verified_at": "2020-12-02 11:14:24",
            "include_in_company_report": 1,
            "follow_up": 0,
            "photo_url": "",
            "uses_two_factor_auth": false,
            "external_email": null,
            "external_email_added_in": null,
            "last_selected_timezone": "America/New_York",
            "two_factor_reset_code": null,
            "current_team_id": 1,
            "stripe_id": null,
            "current_billing_plan": null,
            "billing_state": null,
            "vat_id": null,
            "trial_ends_at": null,
            "last_read_announcements_at": null,
            "created_at": "2020-12-02T11:14:24.000000Z",
            "updated_at": "2020-12-04T07:32:31.000000Z",
            "reports_to": null,
            "legacy_id": null,
            "comment_credit_value": "0.00",
            "deleted_at": null,
            "team_id": 1,
            "user_id": 1,
            "role": "owner",
            "deactivated_at": null,
            "active": 1,
            "color": null
            "id": 26,
            "uuid": "df6fcbff-a204-4e28-887a-44f9e60d98d4",
            "name": "sohaib",
            "email": "",
            "email_verified_at": null,
            "include_in_company_report": 1,
            "follow_up": 0,
            "photo_url": "",
            "uses_two_factor_auth": false,
            "external_email": null,
            "external_email_added_in": null,
            "last_selected_timezone": null,
            "two_factor_reset_code": null,
            "current_team_id": 1,
            "stripe_id": null,
            "current_billing_plan": null,
            "billing_state": null,
            "vat_id": null,
            "trial_ends_at": null,
            "last_read_announcements_at": "2020-12-11 14:30:42",
            "created_at": "2020-12-11T14:30:42.000000Z",
            "updated_at": "2020-12-11T14:30:42.000000Z",
            "reports_to": null,
            "legacy_id": null,
            "comment_credit_value": "0.00",
            "deleted_at": null,
            "team_id": 1,
            "user_id": 26,
            "role": "sr_manager",
            "deactivated_at": null,
            "active": 1,
            "color": "/docs/1.0/file-data#fb49db"

POST /api/v1/file-data/custom-fields

Path Parameters

Key Description Default
string | REQUIRED
The API token generated through UI interface on Followup CRM platform. None


Body Parameters

Key Type Required
dynamic_custom_field_id string REQUIRED
project_id integer REQUIRED


Request Example


Request Payload

    "1": "",
    "2": "",
    "3": "",
    "5": "test value 1",
    "6": "test value 2",
    "7": "test value 3",
    "8": "test value 4",
    "4": "",
    "project_id": 2304


    "success": true,
    "message": "Custom fields saved successfully."